A group called "
Independent Sector" calculates something they consider the '
value of volunteer time'. If you happen to use volunteers for anything (directing visitors, sitting under a tent), you can account for their donation of time with a monetary value. Because that's the only thing anyone ever seems to care about. Even though it means nothing.
Such as in this case. Independent Sector has created a very depressing situation: volunteers are valued more than employees.
In Colorado, the attributed value for a volunteer-hour is $25.68. Or 312% the value of a minimum wage employee.
Why should anyone go to work? This means my hour standing around in the Butterfly Pavilion talking to children about invertebrates was among the most valuable work anyone there was doing. In a way, this is true: this is what the Pavilion is there for. Education and child control is their mission. So it is the most valuable work. But I wasn't extensively trained. I never learned my way around. I wasn't qualified to be a primary source for invertebrate information. Not like the people who worked there; who were definitely not making that much money. Whether ladling soup or walking around collecting signatures, calling donors, you might be more valued as a volunteer.
Maybe just because they don't have to pay you. Which is infuriating.
An organization could quickly make themselves appear big and important. But it's obvious they don't really value volunteer time like this. Ever tried to volunteer? Sometimes it's hard to be accepted. It's often more difficult to process your paperwork than it might be worth. No one ever turns down a $25.68 donation. Even if it did take 3 hours to earn it, before taxes.
It's a ridiculous number. As much of a lie as saying Warren Buffet earned all his money. It shouldn't be tolerated, let alone propagated. Minimum wage in Colorado is $8.23. Which, while obviously depressed from its actual value (the
living wage is supposedly around $10.79 for a single individual), should never be
less than the value of a volunteer. What Independent Sector is really calculating is the average value we assign to any labor. All the hourly earnings of
every production employee. Even those with 20 years experience, those in skilled labor, factory workers at Ball. Everyone working for in private, non-farm, non-supervisory positions.