Monday, August 31, 2015

Last Joke for August

What does a nosey pepper do? 

                 They get jalapeno business!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Georgium Sidus (n)

Truly gibberish.

This is Uranus.

No one in the world calls Uranus "Georgium Sidus".

Great Joke for August 28th

I actually like this joke:

What did the Zen Buddist say to the hotdog vendor? 

                    Make me one with everything.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Joke for the 27th

What does a fish say when it swims into a wall?


sycophant (n)

A specific type of psycho.

Most of us are a little psychophantic. It's a kind of parasitic disease.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

fatidic (adj)

Of or relating to prophecy. The essential element in generic fantasy. That which makes life boring.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Realpolitik (n)

The reasoning people use for their horrible votes. Because none of us have any hope, we continually think there is nothing that can be done. So we don't do anything, because we feel that it is practical.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

Realpolitik should be based on your actual morals and ideals, not a cop-out for what is "practical". Because it isn't actually practical to vote for someone you don't agree with or believe in.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Quote for August 24th

If you look death in the eyes and you don't laugh, you're kind of missing the point of life. If you do nothing, you're also missing the point of life.
-Mikelis Beitiks

Friday, August 21, 2015

Demagogue (n)

This is the kind of leader our political system selects. it does not tend toward capability, it tends toward those who are good orators. Those who can gain power and popularity by arousing emotions, passions, and prejudices. It's kind of a side-effect of how we run our elections. 

So we have a demagogic, patrician democracy.

But it is a democracy none-the-less. For the moment. With the latent power, somewhere in there, to change this.

I for one, think it ought to be changed.

Looky-loo (n)

Me, when I'm in a store.

August 21 Joke

Knock Knock....

 Who's there?

Smell Mop.

  Smell Mop Who?

(Witty Rejoiner of your choice, none of them look funny written in text that I know of.)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Purlieu (n)

The land around a forest. The fringe. It once was included as part of a forest and subject to forest rules and regulations (at the time, mostly concerning hunting). This is wise: for we can show that the boarders of an environment are important for the health of that environment. Due to what we now call "edge effects", habitat fragmentation, et cetera. Certain plants and animals proliferate along the thin, unique ecosystems that is the boundary between two distinct ecosystems. Those who cannot thrive committed to one or the other.

In this day of dwindling habitats, "Purlieu" is a word that could have great use. More study could be done on the purlieus of the world.

Monday, August 17, 2015

For August 17:

I never make mistakes…     I thought I did once, but I was wrong.

Adiaphoron (n, adj)

There are so many things that are adiaphoron, and it is a wonderful word for thinking about religion. Many times, some sect or church or pastor will make a really big deal about something that is adiaphoron. Like wearing clothes of mixed fibres, or letting women wear pants, or vilifying homosexuality. All of these things are adiaphoron.

This might be one of my new favoritest words.

There are so many things one could consider Adiaphoron, or non-essential parts of a religion, or "of morally neutral nature."

What do you think is Adiaphoron? (Bonus if it's something people shouldn't obsess over as if its not adiaphoron.)

Friday, August 14, 2015

Joke for the 14th of August

How do you make a tissue dance?

                            Just put a lil' boogie in it.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Joke for the 13th of August

When a horse walks into a bar (let's say Bojack), the tender just can't help but say, "Hey.... why the long face?"

It's no wonder he turned out the way he did.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Joke for August 12

When a mushroom walks into a bar, the bartender shouts, "Hey, get out of here! We don't serve mushrooms here!"

The mushroom replies, "Why not? I'm a fun guy..."

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Joke for the 11th of August

How many psychologists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

                   Only one; but it has to want to change.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Prolix (adj)

Lots of interesting words today: prolix is english gibber for a long, protracted time.

Graduation ceremonies are prolix. Go to one and be querulous about how prolix everything is and no one will understand what you are saying.

Querulous (adj, n)

It sucks to be querulous. No one likes a querulous person. Being querulous has a great potential to annoy even those being querulous.

So don't be querulous. Think of something soft and fluffy.

Multifarious (adj)

Sometimes, it is tough if your interests are too multifarious. 

Take it from a polymath.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Last of the Cow Jokes!

What do you name an unmarried heffer and what do you call her unplanned calf?

                    Miss Steak and misteak....

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Two Brand New Jokes for August 5th

What is Dragon Milk?

                   A cow with short legs.

What happened to the cow who tried to jump a barb-wire fence?

                Oh... It was an udder catastrophe.

Hermitage (n)

Edandyll's house.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Cogently (adj)

Something it is hard to be if you are leafing through your omniana.

Instead, it is easy to be cryptic and strange.

Omniana (n)

The landscape of my brain: little scraps of ideas, thoughts, information, facts, theories, jokes, nonsense, opinions, et cetera on just about every topic I can think of. 

It makes it hard to organize my knowledge for another's use.

Infrangible (adj)

A little more obscure version of unbreakable. It is non-fragment-able. Infrangible.

Or, as another take, something that cannot be infringed upon. Uninfringeable? Infrangible.

Joke for August 4th, the second for the month

The Cow Jokes Are Almost Through!

What is a cow with no legs?

                    Ground beef

Monday, August 3, 2015

Bill Lewinski's Science of Force is Asking the Wrong Question

William J. Lewinski is a professor of psychology, so he is qualified to testify as an expert in legal cases. He has an unwavering defense for officers that shoot citizens under questionable circumstances. Recently, the New York Times did a story on his stance: that officers act as they must, even when shooting unarmed people.

Police are under a lot of scrutiny today. It is not my intent to vilify them in any way, or disrespect what they do. Rather, I would like to discuss the radical idea that we should respect our police, as keepers of the peace, more than nearly anyone else in our society.

Yet we don't.

Instead, people are afraid of police. Whether or not that is statistically justifiable. We are becoming more and more afraid as the media continues to lacerate our officers with stories of brutality. Dr. Lewinski then comes to their defense.

In order for us to look up to our officers as they deserve, we need to find a beautiful middle ground. One where we don't blame them for firing on civilians. To do that, we must not have leniency in using violence. Rather, police should be held to a higher standard. It isn't fair, no; but no one is forces a person (I hope) to become a police officer. It is undeniably a choice.

Getting pulled over by a cop, or stopped and questioned is not a choice. Never should a civilian feel they are in danger because they are talking to an officer. Even if they have behavior which is worrisome. It is the officer's job to brave that danger, like a hero in a storybook. If it is not clear that these are the requirements, it must be made clear. Being a police officer is dangerous, and very often thankless work. It is hard. It is treacherous. It is necessary. And the primary mission is not to serve and protect yourself, but to serve and protect the public.

Dr. Lewinski's says his science is designed to keep officers safe. yes, what he says is often true: if an officers sees the gun, it could be too late. They might be shot before they can adequately respond. Yet still, that is part of the rick assumed by swearing in as an officer. The name of the game isn't: keep our officers safe. It is keep our society safe and lay down your life first. If officers are encouraged against force, more may die, which is sad and unfortunate, and should be minimized -- but not at the expense of shooting any innocent or unarmed civilians. That is unacceptable. It is not to be tolerated. No one is above the law, especially not the kings, or their enforcers. A pre-emptive strike cannot be levied against our own citizenry (it should not be levied against anyone; for then you become the villain).

What it comes down to is choice. Hikers who climb Mt. Everest, choose to go. Their death on a hike that claims the life of about 1 out of every 50 people who try, isn't that surprising. Their death is to be mourned, but not lamented. It was at least partially expected. Chris McCandless knew that too. 

I would also suggest that Dr. Lewinski should be viewed as an inadequate witness. Doctor or not, why the hell are we tolerating such obviously biased and unlistening nonsense? According to the Times, he doesn't budge in his assertions. He is unwavering. Which is the definition of unreasonable. Thus, should not be admissible in a court trying to measure justice wisely. Anyone with a mindset so rigid that it cannot be accept another's process and wisdom is too arrogant to be humored.

Discussion and listening are keys to a great society.

Joke for The first of August

The Cow Jokes must continue....

What should you name a cow with only one leg?


Good Chapters: