Friday, August 7, 2020

Aug. 7 COVID - The US with its head in the sand

We are possibly the most selfish nation in the world. Riding my bicycle to work today, no one wants to give me any room on the road. How dare I slow them down. If I were a 10 ton piece of earth moving equipment, everyone slows down. Saw that yesterday. No one honked, no one tried to run him off the road. Because they would have torn their car apart.

A little bicycle? We can squish that guy without even having to file an insurance claim. All that matters is us in our own little lives. We have normalized greed to such an extent that we as a society don't even seem to care that we have one of the highest death rates to the global pandemic of Any country. Not just developed, rich nations (with hospitals and access to the internet... actually, wait, we are probably similar to Qatar in our access to hospitals and internet...), but of Any Other Nation on the Globe.

And we call ourselves the "Greatest Nation". Hubris. Pure and simple.

We are still top 10 in our inability to deal with COVID in all 8 categories the NY Times tracks: Cases, Case Rate, Recent Cases, Recent Case Rate; Deaths, Death Rate, Recent Deaths, Recent Death Rate. And it's mostly because of assholes (not everyone, but the assholes) in these states:

We are falling. Slowly. But are still worse now than we were in March when we started trying to care.

81 out of the 206 cases in my local community came in over July. That one month. That's almost half.  But fuck all if we'll actually DO anything about it.

Nope. Instead we're on the verge of letting our greedy, rich, 2nd home owners (immoral thing to have right off the bat. You should be ashamed.) have all the political control at a local level. Our "democracy" is a bloody joke. Wake up and fight for what little rights they've left you.

I realize I'm all doom-and-gloom. The good news, is that COVID is not as deadly as it once was. Not AS many people die. Still, The US has had over 7 thousand die in just the last week. Primarily because we're careless. Which is not what we want to hear, but it is what is true.

The rest of today's data:

Good Chapters: