common thing to do in order to be percevied as intellegent and wise without
actually having to be so) 'thoughts' (advertized as 'Buddist Thought of the
Day') in my little 'Reader Box' so that I can Procrastinate better (see previous
post) and a little while ago I got the following series of Thoughts:
"We imagine that waking-life is real and that dream-life is unreal, but there does not seem to be any evidence for this belief. Chuang Tzu, in the third century B.C., put it in an amusing way; having dreamed that he was a butterfly flitting from flower to flower, he stated that he was now wondering whether he was then a man dreaming he was a butterfly or whether he was now a butterfly dreaming he was a man." - Wei Wu Wei Fingers Pointing Toward the Moon
"Keep it simple; as simple as posible, but no simpler." - Albert Einstein
"It is necessary to understand that I Am, In order that I may know that I Am Not, So that, at last, I may realize that, I Am Not, therefore I Am." - Ask the Awakened by Wei Wu Wei
I found these to be very similar and related. Though, perhaps, the order
ought to be changed (this is chonological) with Einstein at the bottom. As always, he sticks out a little. He is possibly one of the only truly wise people this planet has ever seen. The little Fucker....
Thinking about the possibilities of reality is a lot of fun. It can be fun to contimplate whether reality exists or not, if we exist or not, "I think therefor I am"... Whatever. It is an old philosophical musing that will never lose its flavor; for like God, it can neither be proven or disproven (unless he comes down and points it out to us him(her)self). But if he did, there would still be this question. Does reality exist? Does it not? Am I really a butterfly mearly dreaming I am a man playing on a god-forsaken computer? (I hope I'm the butterfly having a nightmare... How I hope hope hope hope....)
Whatever the fuck that last one means, Einstein said it right when he said "Keep it simple". For though it can be fun to muse with this, the actuallity of the problem is that it doesn't really matter. If we don't exist, I don't really care. It doesn't matter a whit. For whether we do or not should not influence our behaviour. We should probably still behave as though things are real. For in all honisty, it probably is. Ackams Razor: "The simpilist solution is the best". Go with it.
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