Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Iron Giant (1999 movie)

My friends decided they were going to watch a movie and since I have the audacity to have never watched either The Goonies or The Lost Boys. And I was born in the 80s, so it's not like I have a 'good excuse' (besides that I don't watch a lot of TV or movies). The real purpose of these reviews was originally set up for books. ...even if I haven't finished a book in like a month. Somehow, I've been watching a lot of movies lately (for me). I guess movies are quicker to watch.

And can be as good as any book. The Iron Giant is like literature. For whatever reason, my friends didn't get either 80's movie and got this 1999 one instead. Perhaps it's just that I haven't seen The Goonies or The Lost Boys", but I couldn't really imagine either is better than The Iron Giant. This animated film was flippin' "Fantastic!" It is one of the best movies I can think of of the top of my head. It was freakin' hilarious, a very important point; the art was pretty interesting (half the jokes was just the kid's mother's facial expressions); and there was a lot of philosophy I found in the movie. What more could you want? Casablanca? That's a completely inferior movie (not that it's bad or anything). I think it'd be accessible for kids, but it definitely is accessible to adults; better than any Pixar piece I've seen and in 2D art and from WB. All at the same time!

Which might be unbelievable, but is still true.

The style of the movie is so open-ended and care free I found it refreshing. Some of the jokes were funny because I would have never expected it to have happened in a movie. The ending came on kinda quick, now that I think about it, but it fit pretty well. The ending didn't just feel like they got tired of writing, which is common in many movies that would otherwise be just as Fantastic.

Other than that, I can't think of anything else to say. If you agree with any of my other reviews, then believe me when I say: watch it if you watch anything. It's beautiful.

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