Monday, September 6, 2010

The Plague Dogs (1982 movie, pre-read)

For people who think Watership Down is a dark movie for being animated, watch The Plague Dogs. It has to be one of the most depressing movies I have ever seen. "I'm Ashamed to be Human." I had to read funny things after it and it's still in my head.

It's like watching Homeward Bound, animated and without the home. Set in a barren and bleak landscape with a barren and bleak tone. It is good movie, even if the animation isn't, really. And the pacing is a little strange. But the plot and the message are important. It's good to be ashamed to be human, sometimes. So we can become better. This is gritty and desolate, but doesn't suffer from the feeling of being 'inexpertly abridged' which the Watership Down movie does.

I saw the heavily edited US edition, which is (apparently) inferior and less moving. I'm not sure I need to see the full version, honestly. I won't seek it out. Perhaps I will read the book someday. But it was enough to watch it once, I feel.

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