Monday, October 18, 2010

Stress: Portrait of a Killer (National Geographic Documentary Film, )

What's fascinating about Stress: Portrait of a Killer is how it 'paints a portrait' of what stress is and what causes it as though it is sympathetic and interested in lowering the overall stress found in modern society, yet the film is very good at giving you more. It doesn't really offer solutions to how stressed you may be, other than: "get ahead already! Being subordinate is killing you!" which isn't really all that helpful. Most people would already like to 'get ahead' if they knew how.

But the documentary is enlightening and provides a few de-stressing details such as: if you help people, you gan decrease the symptoms of aging and over-stressing.

Yay! Saved? No? Well, you're probably not very different from anyone else. We live with a lotta stress. Perhaps we should think about that and begin to impose some societal changes. Make the world a little better place, eh?

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