Sunday, January 29, 2012


I was working at a concessions stand when someone concerned about eating healthy tried to buy something. It happens occasionally. Some poor soul doomed to fail in his goal. For there is nothing I sell that I would actually buy myself. And as the stellar salesman that I am, I often tell people this.

Just trying to be helpful.

There was one man who decided to get a {insert name here} Zero because there are less calories.

But I am not sure that ingesting a chemistry lab project is really all that healthy. True there are a load of people in this country with diabetes, and the over-consumption of sugar (in all of its forms: cane, corn, and all). But really.... is a fake sugar better?

From all the nutritional information I have been reading lately (like the god-awfully dense Good Calories Bad Calories - great book: I recommend it. But I also agree with Laura Vanderkam's opinion on the book) the signs point to no. You might as well eat sugar.

If you are concerned about diabetes, don't eat that either.

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