Monday, April 15, 2013

Stop Tar Sands!

There is growing momentum in Canada to oppose Tar Sands. From First Nations (also see Huffington Post's take), to committed activists, and even politicians (wow). The diversity and breadth of opposition to tar sands is remarkable. Which means that economic development on a pipeline in the US might just be a waste of money.

I hope. There is little worse I can imagine than Tar Sands.

This also means that stopping Keystone XL will indeed be a big step against the tar sands development. Which is a bolstering thought. And make it all the more commendable for our leaders now to oppose this most dirty, most destructive, most short-sighted energy with all their might.

I demand leadership from this administration. Demand rejection of Keystone XL. If we do not get it.... well, then what the hell is the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans anyway? Certainly not enough to matter. Don't think I'll be able to throw away one more vote on either one. And I hope no one else will either. Decisions like this might, finally, find a tipping point for our beleaguered 3rd parties. I also request that this comment on the draft SEIS and the pipeline, and all other comments, be made public in the interest of transparency and accountability.

Last month a pipeline in Mayflower, AK spilled 10,000 barrels of tar sands oil into a residential neighborhood. This spill is yet one more indication that we are not prepared to transport or clean up this dirty, heavy, toxic oil. As if we ever should have tried. The Arkansas spill also highlighted numerous unanswered questions that must be addressed before we allow a tar sands pipeline nearly 10 times the size of the Pegasus line to bisect our country and run through one of our most important aquifers.

I will repeat that: one of our most important aquifers.

You know, we will be fighting for water next time; not oil.

It is impossible to fight climate change while simultaneously investing in the dirtiest, most carbon-intensive fossil fuels on the planet. Many of the administration's bold advances in clean energy and vehicle efficiency have been critical, but much of that progress -- and the credit that comes with it -- will be erased if we develop the tar sands.

Please stand up against this. I will beg. I am begging. For the sake of forests, for the sake of our climate, for the sake of the millions of lives which will be directly snuffed out as the forest is leveled and the billions which will follow.

For the love of everything good.

I encourage everyone to go to the hearing in Grand Island Nebraska. Show how devastating this will be for us all.

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