A little light thought in a world of heavy problems. I hope it is an entertaining as it is enlightening and reinforcing.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Sciophyte (n)
Ubiety (n)
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Havelock (n)
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Educational Standards theory
- Physical Science (chemistry, geology, physics, neurology, biology, etc)
- Social Science (sociology, anthropology, archaeology, psychology, ecology, animal behavior, ethnology, etc)
- Primary Language (reading, writing, critique, culture, etc)
- Secondary Language (reading, writing, critique, culture, etc)
- Fabrication (painting, sculpture, machining, shop, etc)
- Mathematics (arithmetic, algebra, calculus, etc)
- Civics (Politics, Civic systems, current events, geography, economics, environmentalism, entrepreneurship, etc)
- Philosophy and Knowledge (logic, history, critical thinking, religion, etc)
- Physical Education (athletics, sports, movement etc)
- Life Skills (home maintenance, domestic skills, cooking, banking, sustainability, etc)
- Technology (computers, programming, tools, invention, innovation, etc)
- Additional Languages (reading, writing, critique, culture, etc)
- Outdoor Education (ecology, outdoor survival, hiking, nature, etc as long as it is taught outdoors)
- Culture (music, drama, literature, art, history, etc)
- Interest (music, dance, drama... anything; including a second qualification in any interest)
Single Qualification | Double Qualification | Triple Qualification | Specialization (~Associate) | Additional focus | Sustained focus | Double Specialization (~Bachelors) | Additional focus | Sustained focus | Triple Spcialization (~Masters) | Additional focus | Sustained focus | Quadruple Spcialization (~Doctorate) |
3 classes | 6 classes | 9 classes | 12 classes | 15 classes | 18 classes | 21 classes | 24 classes | 27 classes | 30 classes | 33 classes | 36 classes | 39 classes |
+1 | +1/3 | +2/3 | +1 | +1/3 | +2/3 | +1 | +1/3 | +2/3 | +1 | +1/3 | +2/3 | +1 |
1 token | 1.3 | 2 tokens | 3 | 3.3 | 4 tokens | 5 tokens | 5.3 | 6 tokens | 7 tokens | 7.3 | 8 tokens | 9 tokens |
Single Qualification | Double Qualification | Triple Qualification |
3 classes | 6 classes | 9 classes |
+1 | +1/3 | +2/3 |
1 | 1.333333333 | 2 |
2 | 2.666666667 | 4 |
3 | 4 | 6 |
4 | 5.333333333 | 8 |
5 | 6.666666667 | 10 |
6 | 8 | 12 |
7 | 9.333333333 | 14 |
8 | 10.66666667 | 16 |
9 | 12 | 18 |
10 | 13.33333333 | 20 |
Outing Template
- Leave No Trace
- Stay on the trail and durable surfaces. Don't cut switchbacks, don't make new trails
- Whatever you bring in, bring out. Dispose of waste and trash responsibly. Don't toilet too close to water.
- Leave what is in nature where it belongs.
- Minimal use of fire (in this case: none)
- Respect the animals. Don't shout at them and don't feed them.
- Consider others. When we break, keep the trail clear so others can get through without making new trails.
- Also, remember that if you sign out for whatever reason, you cannot sign back in and you will probably disrupt the trip. Someone will try to escort you back to the trailhead.
- If you become lost at dusk, we'll wait until dawn to start a search rather than searching through the night. It will be a very uncomfortable night for you (not so applicable - we will not be out that long)
- If you Must Leave the Trail for some reason (to tinkle), leave your pack on it in your stead so we know where you are.
- Sign the Waiver!
Google Adwords History
- March 26 - I requested administrative access to the Colorado Youth Corps Association (it has a typo in the original email: 'Colorado Youth Corps Assocation') Google for Nonprofits account. Current administrators have 14 days to respond before Google reviews the account and transfers ownership.
- April 9 - request for administrative access has been approved. Original owners have been "removed from the account and will no longer show as administrators. (typo still present).
- April 15 - begin working on Google Grant again. I can manage One Today. I also decide that using this email is probably a bad idea and set up an email strictly to manage Association (CYCA) ads. This email isCYCA.AdManager@gmail.com
- April 16 - CYCA.AdManager@gmail.com requests access to Google for Nonprofits. scaeascaea@gmail.comapproves request. (Copied and showing only the CYCA.AdManager@gmail.com emails below; for AdManager, the typo is fixed; for scaeascaea@gmail it is not.)
- April 16 - I have problems setting up the account. The link in Google's PDF are outdated (PDF is still posted and should be removed, replaced with the site that is current). Calling Google, I have to cancelCYCA.AdManager@gmail.com access to AdWords account (notification shown below) I re-set up using the link onAd Grant Help - Ad Grant Creation Guide.
- April 16 - I do successfully set up an account with CYCA.AdManager@gmail.com though the link at the Creation Guide bypassing billing and begin writing an ad. I leave it be for a bit, realizing that it is probably not yet fully set up.
- Late April - After talking with the Executive Director, we decide to put some attention to this advertising opportunity. I go and write some ads, and try to get set up. I realize that I cannot make any ads live. Calling Google, I am told that there is still another account that administers this grant and is approved. But I don't know who it is. Thinking it might be that old original owner who was "removed from the account" in April, I try talking with the past Directors of the Association. No one knows the old account.
- May 15 - reply to my questions from Google Adword Support by Jai. Sent in the above part of my Adwords history.
- Because of failures mostly on my end, and my inability to locate past Resource Development lead Blaine McFeeley, we are unable to communicate and resolve issues until June 1. But, by the beginning of June, I can now access our Adwords Account through scaeascaea@gmail.com, and can view old ads and make new ones.
- However, the account is disabled. Hoping to be able to re-enable this account.
- June 15 - call to activate account, sent an email to authorize activations of scaeascaea@gmail.com @ 621-371-8608. Should be active and working tomorrow.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Terms of Sexuality
I may be alone in this, but I really like the great "alphabet soup" acronym for sexuality.
I think it's funny.
It is funny to me because it is an open illustration of the absurdity of dividing people along whatever strange and mostly arbitrary boarders people devise for themselves. It is huge, and impossibly unwieldy, and ripe for growing even more. It is no where near complete, and never could be. ItsPronouncedMetroSexual produces a graphic called the Genderbread Man, which shows the infinite number of permutations available. You could be anything. Think of yourself as a little bit womanly, and somewhat manly; like to dress very femininely, but sometimes a little masculinely; have the body parts of a man (maybe sometimes wish you didn't, or maybe just that you also had women parts); be sexually attracted to women, most of the time; yet be romantically attracted to men, most of the time. Or any of those thoughts could have a certain range over the spectrum.
So far, the only acronyms that have made it into the soup that I have found are these:
L - Lesbian
G - Gay
B - Bisexual
T - Transgendered
T - Transsexual
T - Two Spirited
Q - Queer
Q - Questioning
I - Intersex
P - Pansexual
2S - 2 Spirited
A - Asexual
A - Allies
To be clear, this is impossible to use for a movement (I once tried to rearrange them into something like THANQSGIVING, but didn't get very far). Because of the little subdivisions, I don't think it should be used for an equality movement. It's not helpful to continue to subdivide ourselves. But, if we all have a point somewhere in this spectrum, then it ceases to be dividing. It becomes a soup, where we all can be. So I propose adding a few letters, such as:
S - Straight
M - Man
W - Women
B - Boys
G - Girls
and also,
F - Furry
Because they are an amazingly inclusive group.
So now we have the unpronounceable string:
Joke of the day for June 22
A Concern for World Class Customer Service
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Monday, June 15, 2015
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Joke for June 10, 2015
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Catholic (adj)
Rixation (n)
Lessons from Frozen
Monday, June 8, 2015
The Framing of Our Desolate Political Landscape
Clandestine (adj)
Plum (v)
Urbane (adj)
Friday, June 5, 2015
Holophrase (n)
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Quizzing Glass (n)
Floccinaucinihilipilification (n)
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Obtund (v)
Nabocklish (exclamation)
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Oxter (n)
Monday, June 1, 2015
Pleonexia (n)
Phreaker (n)
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