Monday, June 22, 2015

Terms of Sexuality

I may be alone in this, but I really like the great "alphabet soup" acronym for sexuality.

I think it's funny.

It is funny to me because it is an open illustration of the absurdity of dividing people along whatever strange and mostly arbitrary boarders people devise for themselves. It is huge, and impossibly unwieldy, and ripe for growing even more. It is no where near complete, and never could be. ItsPronouncedMetroSexual produces a graphic called the Genderbread Man, which shows the infinite number of permutations available. You could be anything. Think of yourself as a little bit womanly, and somewhat manly; like to dress very femininely, but sometimes a little masculinely; have the body parts of a man (maybe sometimes wish you didn't, or maybe just that you also had women parts); be sexually attracted to women, most of the time; yet be romantically attracted to men, most of the time. Or any of those thoughts could have a certain range over the spectrum.

So far, the only acronyms that have made it into the soup that I have found are these:

L - Lesbian

G - Gay

B - Bisexual

T - Transgendered

T - Transsexual

T - Two Spirited

Q - Queer

Q - Questioning

I - Intersex

P - Pansexual

2S - 2 Spirited

A - Asexual

A - Allies

To be clear, this is impossible to use for a movement (I once tried to rearrange them into something like THANQSGIVING, but didn't get very far). Because of the little subdivisions, I don't think it should be used for an equality movement. It's not helpful to continue to subdivide ourselves. But, if we all have a point somewhere in this spectrum, then it ceases to be dividing. It becomes a soup, where we all can be. So I propose adding a few letters, such as:

S - Straight

M - Man

W - Women

B - Boys

G - Girls

and also,

F - Furry

Because they are an amazingly inclusive group.

So now we have the unpronounceable string:


And we could keep adding to it. Plagarizing the GenderBread man, we could add:

B - Butch
F - femme
A - Androgynous
GN - Gender Neutral
M - MtF Female
M - Metrosexual

I also think the order should not matter one whit. Anytime it's typed, it could be randomized. Make a computer program to make it fast and easy and as a thank you, we can add:

P - Programmer.

Why not? It's not like anyone could tell what the specific letters are for anyway. That's not the point. The point is to make everyone equal. An alphabet soup. Add race in there, ethnicity, social class, wealth status. BAQFIGTMBBS2JIQALFWGFWNGPMHSTBPMAA!

At a certain point, this begins to drift away from the sexuality-inclusion movement, which has a need for unity and progress and the ability to communicate with those who don't understand. The LGBT/Queer/sexuality-inclusion movement (what ever term you want to use) has more distance to travel than race or women's rights at the moment. To be successful, as with all movements, it will take a diversity of approaches to dismantle the cultures of intolerance. Some being very proud and forthright, some being more reserved. Some being linguistic, and some being humorous. 

LGBTTTQQIP2AA is too unwieldy to be used in conversation, but it could serve as a dictionary to educated the uneducated.
STAHWNQSBAABMBFIHJGTMBBS2IQALFGFPMGWT! is ridiculous, proudly so, and utterly pointless.
"Queer" can be unifying. Like "Negro", its unutterable cousin, or "Hispanic". But has the danger of creating that 'other word', which could be a long time to overcome.

Together, they have all of their strengths, and also all of their weaknesses. Until someone complains, I'll continue to say: FITBMBJS2AIQWMPTAQGWHSPBALFNGFAMBG! We are all our own soup.

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