Monday, February 29, 2016

Vote With Integrity

"It is time to end the voting for the lesser of two evils."

And that time is now. Not next election, what makes you think that one will me 'less important' than this one? We must make a stand. If not now, then when?

At Daily KOS, Commodore said, "This election is the most important election we have had for years. We said that about 2012, 2008, and 2004. But this time it is dead serious." which is the same fear mentality that ran elections in '04, '08, and '12. And '00. And every election I can remember. And because we have continued to buy it, we have continued to hand our votes over to candidates who don't represent us. They don't have to fear our reaction to their poor representation because what are we going to do? Vote for Trump? Vote for the out-right Aristocracy? One that is motivated to put white, rich, male, landowners back in power? Hardly. They know we'll vote for them because they are marginally better than awful.

And they can continue to move further and further toward awful.

We have already lost our control over the election and our politics, and we have lost our voice. Hubris aside, your individual vote is not going to make or break any one party. But as voter turn out declines, and hatred of Democrats and Republicans mounts, there is no reason not to begin today voting for a third party who actually represents your interests. They are already out there and they are already better. The big hurdle is to change our strategy, because the current one is not working.

Despite the rhetoric, it is not pragmatic.

We need to stop worrying about "splitting the vote": both sides need to be splitting the vote and it will begin to happen. Democrats have already lost their seats and their power, and we know that they are corrupt. And are buying our allegiance with massive spending. Is Hillary really going to want to repeal Citizens United? Probably not. She is the .5%. 

I refuse to be bullied and intimidated by the Republicans, by Trump, or by other socially backward organizations like the DNC. I will be voting with integrity this election, and every election from here on out. I will vote, to do otherwise is almost as good for the Oligarch as voting Blue or Red, but I will Vote White. Vote Clear?

...It's a damn pity that's the only color left in our collection....

Vote Rainbow? I think that's already taken.

....we need a slogan.

Vote with Integrity.

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