Friday, November 20, 2009

Star Trek (movie, limited background knowledge)

I haven't seen much of the original Star Trek. Nor have I seen much of Next Generation or any other series, really. I've seen a few, but forgotten much. However, despite how much I don't know about Gene Roddenberry's universe, I don't remember quite so much fighting! Nor do I recall so many plot holes.

I was un-impressed. It seemed really "Fan-Servicey" to me. Full of battles, fighting and ship-to-ship combat, there's partial nudity and such... Better special effects than anyone could achieve in a poorly funded 1960's television show. Yay. But in the end, that is all it was. Special effects and spectacle. Very little, if any, true substance. The only good that came out of this Fan Service was the casting. Each of the characters is impressively reminiscent of the original cast and it was cool to see ol' Leonard Nimoy on screen. If I was more familiar with the original, I'm sure that would be even more impressive.

But there would still not be any substance outside of nostalgia. If you used to know Star Trek really well, then watch the movie and see what all the buzz is about. But without the old series to dream about, this movie is pretty unimpressive.

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