Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Triplets of Belleville (animatied silent film, 2003)

This is a very unique movie. If you are a dialog driven individual, you should be warned that there ain't much in here. The movie is entirely crafted from visual style, sounds, and music. It becomes quite the "artistic" film. Like the ballet, but I can understand animation more than dance: I'm more familiar with it. Or like the beginning of Wall-E, but not quite so magnificent (however, Triplets sustains better than Wall-E, which I only found so magnificent for the first part).

The advantage of this style is that it creates a film that can really be understood by any language group because "language" isn't important. There is no need for subtitles. But it does require an attention of a different sort than usual and it is a different culture (by a little) than what the average American knows. If you aren't ready for that, then this may not be the movie for you. It is undeniable that the film is "good". But it is very particular and probably could not be enjoyed (at all) by many people. But for those who are adventurous and looking for something new and different, it is a good lead. The movie is very, very well polished, that much is clear.

I kinda like the visual style. It is reminiscent of cartoons such as old Popeye in how they moved, but there was much more detail and the same level of exaggeration in what everyone looked like. Its like one of those old "find things" books in how much is going on in the background (and the foreground) and I doubt anyone sees it all the first four times they watch the movie. I've only seen it once, so I feel like I've barely seen the surface.

The tone of the movie is pretty melancholy, even if it is filled with visual jokes. The movie makes me feel sad so that, when the jokes come, I'm not really in the mood to laugh. But if your sense of humor is really cynical and dry, the movie is probably better to you.

It was an interesting adventure, and I recommend it to those who are ready for that.


I watched Triplets of Belleville again, and found it to be very re-watchable. I also watched it with a cycling fanatic who was amazed at the brilliant level of detail. Whoever made this movie knows as much about biking as they do about animating.

This is a very detailed and finely tuned film. I still find it to be "Artistic" but in a very entertaining way. If you can get past the lack of dialog, it is a very good movie.


The ending is almost too laughable. Too unreal for a movie with so much background detail.

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