Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut

I was reading a book called The Sinister Pig, which I didn't find too awful by the 20th page (and, actually, a lot better than I thought it would be) but then I kinda accidentally, providentially picked up Slaughterhouse 5.

The Sinister Pig was quickly forgotten.

I have been wanting to read a Kurt Vonnegut book for a little while now. There are many people who verily worship the writer. This is the first work of his I have read, but so far I have to agree. Vonnegut is one of those writers that doesn't really inspire one to become a writer themselves because it's disheartening to try and keep up with him. Like running a marathon against Haile Gebrselassie, you lose. 'lest, I guess, you are also a world class, unbelievable writer.

I'm not that good, at least not yet. To craft such a story, half truth and half entertainment might just take an experience such as surviving the bombing of Dresden.

There are many people who claim this book is hilarious, but I did not have the same reaction. There are places that are very funny, and the entire alien half of the book is funny in premise, but I didn't laugh more than thrice.

The Childerens Crusade is a very, very "Remarkable" book, but the best remarks about it is to read it. It is a woefully unique story.

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