Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Princess and the Frog (2009 movie)

Disney's latest for Princesses (in more traditional-looking 2D art style) is the "Best Princess Movie" they have made. It has a prince with his own character and role in the story besides a if-you-marry-him-then-your-life-wont-suck-anymore object; the princess as well has a character more dynamic than ol' belle. I find it, as a whole, to be a little better than their absolute latest princess movie, Tangled. Tangled definitely wasn't a horrible movie, but its vision of proper gender roles is more in line with it's aged brethren and its never-tangled plot disperses whenever the jokes slow down.Its life is in its humor and its running joke potential. It has good characters, but poor character relationships; a dynamic villain, who is not used. The Princess and the Frog doesn't fare much better in plot and romantic development (and even less in romantic development), but it leaves a lot less to be desired than its more expensive antecessor. There are more fun characters, and much better relationships and their villain was never so interesting that I wanted a more unique role for him.

Though, in all honesty, I'm not sure which one is funnier. Tangled was hilarious as long as it stuck to its jokes. It also has a dogish horse as their best character while The Princess and the Frog has a living shadow that would give Peter Pan's a villain on par with Hook.

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