Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stay Strong.

Evil Prevails when good people do Nothing.

I may not be a "great soul", like Mahatma Gandhi, but I try in earnest to live by his idea: Be The Change You Want To See In The World.

I believe in this.

Even though it may cost me a job. Pittance, really. It cost Gandhi and India more than that for several decades. But eventually, the world was made a slightly better place.

Be the change.

Be a good person.

Even when you are told you Can't! (we say that a lot).

Even when it is illegal.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fire and Ice (movie, 1983)

This is a great example of an Awfully Wonderful movie. A great flick to watch with a few friends who don't get too intent on hearing every word of dialog, even if there are only a few dozen the whole movie long.

This is an example of a the "fairy tale" phenomenon. Grimm stories are so devoid of character that that anyone can re-imagine the entire thing, straying back to the plot only once in a while, and make a great new story. This was Disney's career. Harry Potter is so great partially because of a premise so unrealistic that it invites readers to make up extensions for the characters. Reasons things might go the way they do. Fire and Ice lacks so much that it is a great conversation piece. And you'll be thinking about it, and laughing At it for hours to come.

Good Chapters: