Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Joe Dirt (2001 movie)

Joe Dirt is just as campy, corny, cheesy, and funny as you would expect a movie with David Spade in a mullet to be. I like it. It doesn't fail to be entertaining and it even manages to be somewhat poignant. There is nothing in our culture more vilified than a mullet (besides maybe a turban right now). This movie acknowledges that and bullies back against those who trash talk the hairdo. Then it waxes philosophical about being positive.

It has a lot of "Fun" doing it. Watch Joe Dirt if you like hicky humor, some sex jokes, and a completely impossible story line. This is a movie about being fun and about entertainment. It is not about the story, it is about the jokes; it is not meticulous; it doesn't employ it's soundtrack; it doesn't really care about its acting, as long as the delivery is good. It is no wonder critics don't like it, but most people should have a good time with it.

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