Saturday, March 7, 2015

The Dreaded TPP

The Trans-Pacific Partnership.

I just want to put this out as an example of my scrying abilities: the TPP will be an even worse decision than NAFTA. Coagulating more power for the powerful and making some big strides toward making transnational corporations the monarchies of the future. It is not about democracy, or people, or anything wholesome and good. It is about power. Greed (which is not and never has been good). A brilliant example of human stupidity and monstrosity. In a time when the wisdom of transition towns and local independence is being recognized, this will make the global economy more cohesive. So that, when it fails as it must inevitably do some day, It will fail magnificently.

If there is any way for the true power of this world to stop this (and that would be collective action of the masses), it would be a good idea. Up there with stopping the danger of Tar Sands, even.

It would be as bad a mistake for Obama as Woodrow Wilson signing the Federal Reserve Act.

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