Friday, May 20, 2016

Don't give your vote to fear

Interesting to watch news feeds and see liberals complaining of the same "liberal media" as conservatives have for years... Only now we have identified them as "Main Stream Media" Which I find more accurate. They aren't always specifically liberal, sometimes they are specifically conservative, but they Are Always biased to their own interest. Take that into account when reading anything. Or listening to anti-democratic leaders. Almost everyone in power, D or R, would rather we just have an out-right aristocracy they never had to be elected to. They want to be our dictators. Debbie is one of them. So are the Clintons and Bushs, so is Trump. What that power structure is either forgetting or trying hard not to acknowledge is most people realize that. What most people don't realize is that if they actually voted the way they believed, those in power would almost immediately lose it. Vote 3rd party. Vote your conscious. The stale argument that we need to vote against some horrible scary thing is the most comprehensive control tactic being implemented in modern politics.

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