Sunday, April 24, 2011

The End of the Matter by Alan Dean Foster (1997)

The End of the Matter is an alright book. It succeeds in being "Entertaining", but only just. It did derail me from my reading of Light in August. It has one of those "Let's just wrap this up already" endings; things are contrived and explained with dialogic narration rather than actual story telling.

There are some fun characters and I can sometimes see the person who wrote Star Wars in here.

Mostly, my problems with the production have to do with inconsistencies which can only be discussed with horrible scary Spoilers!

Analysis (Haven't done this in a while)

While the story can be said to be entertaining, it is so filled with character holes that it will boggle your mind more than wondering how anyone can "watch" a quasar form when they are traveling past the speed of light.

Answer: you can't.

Flinx is randomly interrupting any other thoughts that might have gone said to worry about the danger he puts people in 'people seem to die around me.'

Really. Well, perhaps that is because you have the galaxy's most feared family of assassins after you. Should you tell anyone?

'Nah. They already don't trust me enough. No need to put them on edge, right?'

Eh, you might be right. Jus' let 'em die without warning instead.

To be fair, the Qwarm (the assassins) aren't all that good at their job. They fail to kill the teenager even when they have a direct shot (somehow killing who he is talking to instead). They are really just the most feared incompetent best assassins in the universe.

The geniuses in this book are hardly geniuses either. It takes them months to figure out some rather simple things that are floating around their faces for most of the book. Even though there are more than one of them. I suppose they did find the remains of an ancient civilization that is legendary throughout the galaxy

If you can forgive this story it's moments of lunacy, it can be an entertaining story. If you want cohesion, it will annoy you to no end.

I'm in the middle. I'll complain about this book, but I did read it all the way through. And even if the end slows the story down a bit, it isn't half so slow as Light in August.

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