Sunday, September 1, 2013

Outside the Box Thought of the Month: the Dozenal System

Counting by dozens is a lot of fun. If only because you aren't used to it. It makes me just laugh as the foundations of my thinking are shaken.

So, in Dozens, what is 9*6? Hmm?

Here is the answer: And many more:

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  X  E  10
0  2  4  6  8  X  10 12 14 16 18 1X 20
0  3  6  9  10 13 16 19 20 23 26 29 30
0  4  8  10 14 18 20 24 28 30 34 38 40

0  5  X  13 18 21 26 2E 34 39 42 47 50
0  6  10 16 20 26 30 36 40 46 50 56 60
0  7  12 19 24 2E 36 41 48 53 5X 65 70
8  14 20 28 34 40 48 54 60 68 74 80
0  9  16 23 30 39 46 53 60 69 76 83 90
0  X  18 26 34 42 50 5X 68 76 84 92 X0
0  E  1X 29 38 47 56 65 74 83 92 X1 E0
0  10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 X0 E0 100

There are a few dozen people around the world who think we should all count like this. Because it is easier. We could teach children elementary math quicker. Even thought it would blow the minds out of the heads of all our adult population. We do not have the teacher to teach this math to elementary students.

No one actually seems to be in earnest about this. They have made a clock, but not a temperature scale. Or an available calculator. Or replacement formulae for important equations easily and publicly available.

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