Friday, February 26, 2010

E.V.O (Super Nintendo)

Out of all the video games that I have thus far reviewed, E.V.O. The Search for Eden is the only one I've completed. And I'm not sure it was worth it. This game had an interesting concept but a poor execution upon that concept, I'm afraid.

You can't "evolve" a vestigial shark-fin without having once had one to begin with for crying out loud. I'm glad that you can "beat" the game without becoming human, but it definately puts us on a pedistle that we don't rightly deserve. The story is really self-serving. It has a little bit of a moral ('don't use intelligence for the wrong things') and you beat up a bunch of people like Humans, but I'm still unsure as to why the "Bad Guy" was really a "bad guy". Why are humans so cool? And why the hell are condors so powerful? are the questions I'm left with.

The battle system is pretty tiresome by the end and leads to my rating of "Arrrggg!" The final boss is a royal pain in the ass and he's not the only character that's just annoying to fight. There are many that once they get you corner, you're pretty screwed. Then, if you get them cornered, they're pretty screwed too. It's overall highly flawed.

I'll never play the game again. But it was interesting for it's first play though and it did keep my attention. Mostly, I think, because I enjoyed trying to figure out what the best creature is to be. I don't really recommend playing though unless you having a high tolerance of frustrating crap and you have an emulator. I never woulda finished it without being able to "save my state" whenever I wanted to.

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