Monday, March 15, 2010

Haiti and "Acts of God"

I am not a particularly religious person myself, though I see the need and the use of it for many, many, many people. Perhaps nearly every, or even absolutely every, person. Yet despite my own lack of religion, I ain't got no quarrel with God.

I don't see how war could be "evidence that God does not exist" because their is evil in the world, nor do I see how famine could be evidence of the same thing, nor murder or rape or thievery, crime in general, poverty, or even suicide. Because all of this is what people do to each other. They are our sins and our fault. Not the fault of any God.

What could be the fault of God, are often called "acts of God" are things such as Earthquakes, volcanoes, avalanches (sometimes), hurricanes, tornadoes, et cetera.

But, as I said, I ain't got no quarrel with God. These things happen. Even in churches, people point to Haiti's earthquake as something to help those people with. And they are right, to a degree. Haiti needs help. But the earthquake is the least of the problem. That is just one symptom of a greater problem that's been perpetuated by people. Corporations and greedy powers the world over have been taking advantage of Haiti and helping keep their economy in the shitter. That is what should have gotten international attention decades ago. That is what needs to change. Before that does, any earthquake relief is being squandered and simply going into the pockets of the wealthy. Haiti ain't gettin' much of it.

I ain't got no quarrel with God, and I hope I'll be strong enough to maintain that position after a horrible natural disaster affects my life more intimately. What I do have a quarrel with are people hurtin' people and animals and plants and life in general. Even though it hasn't affected me very intimately. We are cruel to each other.


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