Friday, May 14, 2010

(500) Days of Summer (2009 movie)

(500) Days of Summer is one of the most unique "Romantic Comedies" I have ever seen. It's like The Break-Up, in that it's not a "gettin'-together" movie, per se; but then, it's not really a 'break-up" movie either. It's more like an "entire-relationship-encapsulated" movie. And it does it with surprising agility.

The devise it uses to do this is the most interesting part of the movie. It prefaces most scenes with a number representing which day in their 500 day relationship the following will take place. This could have been very clunky and obnoxious (and at times it was. If you miss a day, you can become lost. It would have worked better in a book where you can flip backwards and forwards with ease.) but overall it was done well.

The humor in the movie is at times subtle and always deliberate. The depressing guy wasn't nearly as depressing as he could have been and I am grateful. I think the disclaimer in the beginning says it best: "Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental ... Especially you, Jenny Beckman ... Bitch."

It is a "Unique-ish" romantic comedy. If that's your bag, grab this one. If you would prefer the formula, don't.

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