Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Step Brothers (2008 movie)

Step Brothers is a somewhat funny movie. It stars a cast completely of adults, but everyone plays a school yard, play ground, elementary character, from bully and associates to the dorks who play in the mud on the side. Except each character is larger and more exaggerated than they could ever be in real life. It is an interesting dynamic and somewhat enjoyable, but it remains the only remarkable aspect of the movie.

Besides how often they say "Fuck" a lot. A whole lot. "Fuck" and "Shit". It's used enough for it to get a little monotonous like the "refrains" in Chuck P.'s Invisible Monsters. It's like ending every single sentence in a paragraph with three exclamation points!!! Each and every time!!! So that, really, they are just periods!!! Gaudy, over-sized periods!!!

It loses it's point!!!

It is a funny movie if you like that and yelling. It's Ferrell's style of humor. There are people who like this movie more than other Ferrell projects, and I'll admit it's better than Anchor Man. But I still find it just "Alright". It wasn't really annoying, and it wasn't boring. I guess I enjoyed it, but I didn't find it particularly funny, besides a few instances.

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