Friday, August 6, 2010

Black, White and Jewish by Rebecca Walker (2000)

Black, White and Jewish is an autobiography of Rebecca Walker. A girl who grew up with a significant amount of confusion as to her role in society, which is what the book is about.

It is a very dense book. I finished most of it in two days only because I spent ten hours on a bus in two days. Otherwise, I would still be reading it. It did not make me want to read more than about ten pages at a time because it was dry and a little depressing and really heavy. "Stark". That is not to say that it is a bad book: it is not. It is a rather enlightening book. Not only about racial bullshit that exists in all areas, stratas, and cliques of society, but about parenting.

Suggestion: don't force your children to move back and forth across the country and never make significant ties in their childhood because you aren't mature enough to deal with your ex beyond "sharing" custody.

Suggestion two: do not assume that your children don't know what they are experiencing. Talk to them as equals and dispense your wisdom and advice; you can do both at once.

Suggestion three: do not assume that your child can figure out the world with out your support, guidance, wisdom, and attention. They can get themselves in a heap-o-trouble.

Rebecca was fortunate enough to escape her troubles, but she is clear enough that she easily mightn't have. She is also very clear on all the troubles that she did have growing up.

I would have appreciated hearing about some of the good things in her life. The things that went well. But they are few and far between and colored rather darkly. Negativity can only get one so far. People learn great lessons from good things as well.

Still, I'm glad I read it. But I'm more glad that I am done.

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