Monday, January 18, 2010

The Hobbit (movie, post read)

This movie reminded me, in some ways, of "Watership Down" because it was an "Inexpert Abridgement". It is a movie that is meant as a companion to the book and is pretty incomplete without a reading. First. I urge you to read it first. You might not want the images that this movie provides for some of the characters.

I'm really familiar with this movie from childhood so I'm fine with the images it provides me. I'm happy with the movie even though "The Hobbit" is one of my favorite stories. That's the good thing about such abridgements, they can't really be awful, because no one took the time to write it for the change in format.

But that also means it can't really be good. It's not. And would be worthless without background familiarity with the story.

I still like the music, though. Especially the goblin's songs.

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