Monday, January 18, 2010

The Secret of NIMH (movie, pre-read)

Ah, a Don Bluth film. You can really tell a Bluth film from any other animation. He has a very signature look, more identifiable than Disney. Something about how his females look, their expressions and movements; the villains, too; and every single one seems to have Dom DeLuise in it. Also, Bluth isn't afraid to be dark and serous, unlike Disney. There can be blood, and there is in this one.

The Secret of NIMH is very epic and emotional. It seems so grand and great, like a Greek myth. There's mysticism and magic, especially in the beginning to set the stage for this Odyssey of a mother mouse who has to save her child. It stands out in my memory as a great movie, but I couldn't really remember why. Now that I've seen it again, I'm not as impressed. There's a lot of journeying about and adventure, but not for much purpose... Mrs. Brisby, the mother, actually seems to do more harm than good to her family as she attempts to avoid some unpleasantness or other. I suppose in the end she does do more than her Legendary late husband, though. In the end, it's not really as grand as it sound with "The" starting the title and "Secret" being prominent. It is not my favorite Bluth film, and in fact, isn't as good as any others of his that I can recall seeing.

This movie tries to strike a very weird balance between science fiction and mystic fantasy. Where the magical powers of Nicodemus came from is never really explained. The scientific explanation for the rats is interesting, though absolutely impossible and there is no mechanism explained so it seems mostly mystic as well.

It's still "Decent Entertainment and I'd still like to read the book. Perhaps it's good; maybe it's better.

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